
Significance of the Number 6 : The Perfect Number

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Six is a number brimming with potential. It appears everywhere from six-sided snowflakes to hexagonal honeycombs. But what are the significance of the number 6 and why does the number 6 hold such resonance across cultures and millennia? Let’s dive into this number’s deeper meaning.

Significance of the Number 6

The First Perfect Number

Mathematically, 6 is the smallest “perfect number.” This means 6 equals the sum of its proper divisors – the numbers 1, 2, and 3.

1 + 2 + 3 = 6

No other positive integers display this trait. Six is perfectly self-contained – balanced and complete within itself.

This speaks to harmony, the core essence of 6. Perfect equilibrium achieved through integrating parts into a greater whole.

Numerology of the Six

In numerology, 6 carries several key associations:

  • Governing planet is Venus – beauty, love, pleasure
  • Keywords: balance, nurturing, community, responsibility
  • Positive traits: diplomatic, hospitable, faithful, creative
  • Negative traits: unstable, stubborn, superficial, vain
  • Careers: teaching, parenting, counseling, justice, medicine
  • Compatible with: 2, 4, 8

We see 6 aligned with harmony between opposites – bringing together contrasts like justice and mercy.

Properties of the Hexagram

Now let’s examine the six-sided hexagram shape defined by 6:

Union of Opposites

The upward and downward triangle integrate opposites – fire and water, male and female, descending and ascending energy.

As Above, So Below

The hexagram mirrors “as above, so below” – the spiritual law that inner reality creates outer experience. Again, we see themes of integration.


The hexagram’s symmetry reflects balance. 6 achieves equilibrium between contrasting forces. It promotes cooperation through considering all sides.


The hexagon is mathematically the most stable shape, used structurally in nature and buildings. Similarly, 6 grounds energy through responsible boundaries.

Clearly, the hexagram encapsulates core 6 principles of unity, harmony, stability.

Patterns of Six in Nature

Six-fold symmetry adorns nature’s forms, suggesting this number’s cosmic resonance:

  • Snowflakes have 6-fold symmetry
  • Honeycombs contain 6 equal sides
  • Flower petals often appear in sets of 6
  • Periodical cicada life cycles run in 6’s and 17’s
  • Carbon, life’s foundational element, has 6 protons

Again we see how 6 governs life’s intricate balance through structural order in nature.

Time and the Calendar

The passage of time bears 6’s imprint:

  • There are 6 seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter, wet, dry)
  • 60 seconds form a minute, 60 minutes an hour
  • Degrees in a circle total 360 (6 x 60)
  • Traditional calendars divide annually into 12 or 6 segments

6 and its factors canonize time into harmonious units, establishing natural cycles.

History and Symbolism

The number 6 emerges meaningfully throughout history:

  • There were originally 6 astrological planets
  • Buddhism’s Six Noble Truths
  • Judaism’s 6-pointed Star of David
  • Christianity’s 6 virtues of Sermon on the Mount
  • Devil’s Number is 666 in Revelation

Again we see 6 represents the balancing forces governing creation – light and dark, order and chaos.

Tarot and the Lovers

In Tarot, 6 is represented by the Lovers card of choices, relationships, and soulmates. The card shows an angel blessing a marriage, surrounded by the flames of passion.

The card mirrors 6’s harmonizing of opposites – finding wholeness through the fusion of selves into a greater union. This symbolizes our soul’s journey to rediscover its divine counterpart.

The Divine Geometer

Across cultures, esoteric schools describe the deity as a Great Architect or Divine Geometer who used 6 and its geometries to structure the universe. 6 keys into celestial patterns that underlie manifest creation.

Plato called the study of geometry “knowing the mind of God.” Similarly, 6’s mathematic perfection indicates complete divine thought.

Significance of the number 6 in Astrology

In astrology, the significance of numbers is often associated with the planets, signs, and houses. The number 6 is associated with the planet Venus, which is linked to love, beauty, and harmony. Here are some key points regarding the significance of the number 6 in astrology:

  1. Venus Influence: As mentioned, the number 6 is connected to Venus, the planet of love and aesthetics. Individuals with a strong Venus influence in their birth chart may find that they value relationships, beauty, and balance in their lives.
  2. Harmony and Balance: The number 6 is often seen as a symbol of harmony and balance. In astrology, it may indicate a person who seeks equilibrium in relationships and surroundings. This could manifest as a desire for harmony in partnerships, a love for artistic pursuits, and an appreciation for aesthetics.
  3. Responsibility and Nurturing: Some astrological systems associate the number 6 with responsibility and nurturing. People with a prominent 6 in their charts may take on caregiving roles, whether as parents, friends, or partners. They may feel a sense of responsibility towards others and work towards creating a harmonious environment.
  4. Domestic Life: The number 6 is also linked to domestic life and the home. Individuals influenced by the energy of 6 may find fulfillment in creating a warm and inviting home environment. Family and domestic matters may hold great importance for them.
  5. Creativity and Artistry: Venus is associated with artistic expression, and the number 6 may suggest a creative and artistic inclination. People with a strong connection to the number 6 may be drawn to artistic pursuits, whether it’s through visual arts, music, or other forms of creative expression.
  6. Challenges: While the positive aspects of the number 6 include harmony and balance, there can be challenges associated with an overemphasis on these qualities. For example, individuals may struggle with indecision or an aversion to conflict, potentially hindering personal growth.

It’s important to note that astrology is a complex and multifaceted system, and interpretations can vary across different traditions and schools of thought. Individual birth charts are unique, and the influence of a specific number depends on various factors, including the positions of planets, signs, and houses in the chart.

Conclusion: The Gift of Six

What is the message of 6? It reveals the exquisite balance integral to creation – the hidden structures that undergird reality. Symmetry rises through 6’s gift of equilibrium and integration.

Yet 6 also teaches the work of achieving harmony. Compromise takes effort. For every light there is dark; problems always balance solutions.

But 6 offers the promise that unity transcends duality. When we embrace life’s contrasts through empathy and justice, we heal divisions. Like 6, we become perfected – made whole again through embracing all of life’s parts in higher understanding.

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Arthur Weils is a highly experienced dream analysis expert based in New York with over 10 years of practice in interpreting dreams. With his vast knowledge and expertise, Arthur has helped countless individuals unravel the hidden messages and meanings within their dreams. He is dedicated to sharing his knowledge with the world through his insightful blog posts, where he offers valuable tips and advice on how to better understand the significance of dreams.

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